Past Events

May 27, 2024

Maj Gen Dharmesh and his team discussed ways to intensify cooperation between AFMS and IITKMedSchool.

May 16, 2024

GSMST was invited to participate in the introductory meeting of Global Consortium of Innovation and Engineering in Medicine pioneered by Carle Illinois Med, University of Illinois.

May 6, 2024

Pant Workshop series on "Telemedicine & Digital Health"

May 3-4, 2024

2 Day Workshop on Emerging Technologies and Materials in Medicine

May 3, 2024

Bansal Workshop Series on Clinical & Community Medicine SMART Connect

April 18, 2024

Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology, IIT Kanpur signed a MoU with the Armed Forces Medical Services aimed at developing technologies to address healthcare problems faced by soldiers in difficult terrains.

April 10, 2024

Joneja Endowed Clinical lecture by Prof Richard Strugnell on Klebsiella biofilms

April 8, 2024

Delegation from the University of Melbourne visit

March 23, 2024

Distinguished Visiting Professor of GSMST Prof Gaurav Agarwal delivered a lecture on Technology and Innovation in Head and Neck Endocrine course at Harvard Medical school

March 21, 2024

Prof Chris Pakes, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Graduate & Global Research and Prof Anirudh Desai, Research Professor & Director, Centre for Technology Infusion, from La Trobe University, Melbourne

March 16, 2024

Introduction of the Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology, and the Yadupati Singhania Super Specialty Hospital to industry leaders and dignitaries from the state of UP.

CNAO – “Capacity Building Programme” for Hadron Therapy in India

March 8, 2024

MoU with Fondazione CNAO - Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica in Pavia, Italy, yesterday to establish a joint research programme.

February 27, 2024

MoU with Govt of Uttar Pradesh to collaborate in the R&D efforts of UP Digital Health Stack

February 24, 2024

GSMST was endorsing partner of 11th International Conference on Transforming Healthcare with IT 2024

February 10, 2024

Our Distinguished
Alumnus Mr. Arun Seth Visit

February 10, 2024

UP Govt has allocated a fund of Rs 10 Crore in the recently announced State Budget 2024-25 for the Medical School IIT Kanpur

National Workshop on Telemedicine & AI for Healthcare

The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and the Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology hosted a one-day national workshop on Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence on July 2, 2022. 

Mentor’s Visit to the Center of Excellence at Gangwal School

Research activities in several CoE of the Gangwal School have been initiated and a separate laboratory space has been allocated for the same. The LVAD project team are working towards the product development. Recently, Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty, Chairman, Narayana Hrudayalaya Limited, who is also a mentor for this project visited the LVAD team.