Donation Options
Contribute to the Growth of the Gangwal School

The Gangwal School is a unique and socially relevant project with a far-reaching impact on the country's healthcare needs. Besides the R&D and its impact, the state-of-the-art hospital complex being built will also be a boon to needy patients in Kanpur. The Institute seeks funding from alumni, corporates (CSR), and philanthropists to execute the project. The Institute has set a process to accept donations for infrastructure, research, and innovation. Gangawal has an established process for naming functional units (departments, centers, wards, etc.), assets (buildings, rooms, laboratory space, etc.), faculty chairs/fellowships, student awards, and named lecture series to honor the donors. Potential donors are encouraged to get in touch with us for more details.

Please get in touch with the Gangwal School ( or the Dean of Resources and Alumni ( for a follow-up discussion.

To learn about the donation already received, please check here.