Gangwal School plans to run postgraduate medical academic programs like MD and MCh, recognized by National Medical Commission (NMC). Similarly, DNB programs in various disciplines will be provided, recognized by the National Board of Examination (NBE). It is estimated that the Gangwal School will develop 15 to 30 super-specialists (MD, MCh, & DNB) annually in various medical disciplines (Cardiology, Neurology, Oncology, Radiology, etc.) in the Kanpur Region and UP State that will help in meeting future medical professionals need to great extent.
Gangwal School also plans to provide MTech, MS by research, and PhD approved programs of IIT Kanpur. Gangwal School will be the first-of-its-kind institute in India to provide academic programs to medical and engineering students under one roof with cross-learning between two fields developing future medico-engineers with expertise and exposure across clinical, research, and healthcare streams.